SallyBlog! Written by Sally♡





I’ll teach you how to speak English for sure in just one month while staying in Japan! Great news for those who want to speak English but can’t go abroad. Let’s take on the challenge together!

1. 目標設定と計画立て


Set goals and make a plan First, set a clear goal, like “I want to be able to have smooth conversations in a month.” Then, make a plan to achieve that goal. Decide how many hours you’ll study each day and what materials you’ll use.


2. 基本文法の習得


Learn basic grammar To learn English well, you need to understand basic grammar. Use an English grammar book and learn a little every day. Review what you don’t understand.


3. 語彙の増強


Grow your vocabulary To speak English, you need lots of words. Learn new words and phrases every day. Use word books or apps, and focus on common words and phrases.


4. リスニングの強化


Improve listening You need good listening skills to speak English. Listen to English audio, podcasts, movies, and dramas every day to get used to it. You’ll understand more if you keep listening.


5. スピーキングの練習


Practice speaking You must practice speaking English to get better. Talk to friends and family in English or use apps and services to chat with native speakers online. Record yourself and listen later to improve pronunciation and intonation.


6. フィードバックを得る


Get feedback Feedback from others is important for progress. Ask English teachers or native speakers to evaluate your English and give advice. Ask questions and fix what they point out to improve faster.


7. 英語で考える習慣をつける


Think in English Get in the habit of thinking in English to reduce the time it takes to translate from Japanese. Practice shadowing (repeating what you hear) and write a diary in English to get better at thinking in English.


8. 英語の環境を作る


Create an English environment Make an English environment around you to have more chances to use English. Change your phone or computer language to English, follow English accounts on social media, and read English news and blogs.


9. 継続することが大切


Keep going Continuing every day is most important to speak English in a month. Make it a habit, and you’ll naturally get better at English. Don’t push yourself too hard and keep learning at your own pace.


10. 自分に自信を持つ


Be confident Being confident when speaking English is important too. It’s okay if you’re not perfect. Speak up without being afraid of making mistakes, and you’ll improve faster. Believe in yourself and enjoy communicating in English.



If you follow these methods, you’ll surely be able to speak English in a month even in Japan. Find what works for you and take it step by step. With better English, you’ll have more chances to communicate in business and private life, and new possibilities will appear. Mastering English in a month isn’t easy, but with effort and persistence, you’ll see results.



Lastly, it’s important to face yourself and be honest as you continue learning. Admit your weaknesses and work hard to improve them. That’s the secret to speaking English in a month.



Try these methods for a month, improve your English, and keep your motivation up by imagining yourself speaking English. I truly wish you success in your English learning!


関連記事: 英語学習