SallyBlog! Written by Sally♡









Here we go(=^・^=)↓



  1. 基本的な狙い方
  2. エイム練習
  3. クロスヘアの調整
  4. 立ち位置と角度
  5. オペレーターの選択
  6. 情報収集
  7. 連携プレー
  8. 練習と継続


1.1 ヘッドショットの重要性


1.2 センタリング



2.1 エイム練習の重要性


2.2 エイム練習の方法

エイム練習にはいくつかの方法があります。例えば、T-Hunt(Terrorist Hunt)モードやカスタムゲームで練習することができます。また、専用のエイム練習ソフトを使用して、狙いを鍛えることもできます。


3.1 クロスヘアの重要性


3.2 クロスヘアのカスタマイズ



4.1 高い位置からの狙い


4.2 角度の活用



5.1 オペレーターの役割


5.2 オペレーターの選択ポイント



6.1 情報収集の重要性


6.2 情報収集の方法



7.1 連携プレーの重要性


7.2 連携プレーの方法



8.1 練習の重要性


8.2 継続的な取り組み






How to Land Headshots in Rainbow Six Siege

Rainbow Six Siege is a game where players tactically face off in a one-shot match. Teamwork and precise tactics play an important role, and landing headshots on your enemies significantly contributes to your team’s victory. This article introduces techniques and strategies for successfully landing headshots.


  1. Basic Aiming Techniques
  2. Aim Practice
  3. Crosshair Adjustment
  4. Positioning and Angles
  5. Operator Selection
  6. Gathering Information
  7. Coordinated Play
  8. Practice and Persistence

1. Basic Aiming Techniques

1.1 Importance of Headshots

Headshots are highly effective, as they can take down an enemy in one shot. Timely headshots greatly contribute to your team’s victory. However, targeting an enemy’s head is not easy; practice and experience are required.

1.2 Centering

When aiming for a headshot, it is important to position your crosshair at the center of the screen. This allows you to quickly align your aim. Even if an enemy suddenly appears, you can reflexively move your crosshair to aim.

2. Aim Practice

2.1 Importance of Aim Practice

Aim practice is a crucial process to improve your targeting ability. Consistent aim practice will enable you to accurately align your aim.

2.2 Aim Practice Methods

There are several methods for aim practice. For example, you can practice in T-Hunt (Terrorist Hunt) mode or custom games. You can also use dedicated aim training software to hone your aiming skills.

3. Crosshair Adjustment

3.1 Importance of Crosshairs

Crosshairs are essential elements to support aiming in the game. With appropriate crosshair settings, the success rate of headshots significantly increases.

3.2 Customizing Crosshairs

In Rainbow Six Siege, you can customize your crosshair. By changing its color and shape, you can create a crosshair that is easy to aim with. Experiment with different settings to find the optimal crosshair for you.

4. Positioning and Angles

4.1 Aiming from a Higher Position

Aiming at enemies from a higher position makes it easier to land headshots. This is because the enemy’s head becomes more visible. Taking advantage of higher positions provides a strategic advantage against your enemies.

4.2 Utilizing Angles

Aiming from an angle that is out of the enemy’s line of sight increases your chances of a successful headshot. Attacking from unpredictable positions can also add a surprise element.

5. Operator Selection

5.1 Operator Roles

Operators are characters available for use in Rainbow Six Siege. Each operator has unique characteristics and abilities, which can be utilized to increase the chances of landing headshots.

5.2 Operator Selection Criteria

When aiming for headshots, operators with high sniping ability or fast movement are effective. Selecting operators with excellent information-gathering abilities makes it easier to locate enemies. Understand the characteristics of each operator and choose one that suits your playstyle.

6. Gathering Information

6.1 Importance of Information Gathering

Knowing the enemy’s position and movements is crucial for successful headshots. Gathering information helps predict enemy behavior, making it easier to aim.

6.2 Methods of Information Gathering

Use tools like drones and cameras for gathering information. Operator special abilities and sharing information with teammates are also important. Effective information gathering helps create situations where it is easier to target enemies.

7. Coordinated Play

7.1 Importance of Coordinated Play

Victory in Rainbow Six Siege is achieved through teamwork and coordination. Coordinated play allows you to set up crossfires, flank enemies, and create opportunities for headshots.

7.2 Communication with Teammates

Effective communication with teammates is crucial for coordinated play. Sharing information about enemy positions, movements, and your own actions can help your team create effective strategies. This will, in turn, increase the chances of landing headshots.

7.3 Combining Operator Abilities

Some operator abilities synergize well with each other, leading to more headshot opportunities. For example, using an operator with an ability to see enemies through walls can pair well with a sniper operator to land long-range headshots. Experiment with different operator combinations to find the best strategy for your team.

8. Practice and Persistence

8.1 Consistent Practice

Landing headshots in Rainbow Six Siege consistently requires practice and dedication. Regularly playing the game, practicing aim, and refining your strategies will improve your skills over time.

8.2 Learning from Mistakes

Analyze your gameplay, identify areas where you struggle, and learn from your mistakes. Watching replays and studying the strategies of professional players can also provide valuable insights to improve your headshot success rate.

8.3 Patience and Persistence

Improving your headshot accuracy takes time and effort. Stay patient, keep practicing, and remain persistent in your efforts to hone your skills. Over time, you will see improvements and enjoy more success in Rainbow Six Siege.

In summary, effectively landing headshots in Rainbow Six Siege requires a combination of basic aiming techniques, aim practice, crosshair adjustment, positioning and angles, operator selection, gathering information, coordinated play, and consistent practice. By focusing on these areas and maintaining patience and persistence, you can improve your headshot accuracy and contribute more to your team’s victories.